Hi Karma… Welcome Back

So… after a brief break YOUR BOY IS BACK!!!

::giving you 5 seconds for a dance celebration::

Just for a quick update I am now teaching in Malaga at not just one… but TWO schools (#CHEEAAA). One on the east side and one on the west side (hopefully you catch my drift). But just in case i’ll say this, at one school they eat with silver spoons and at the other, plastic spoons…or cupped palms. I’ll have some pictures from the two schools on a later post but for now here’s a muriel from one school (guess which one)


But I will say this… for all of the trouble I caused in classes and for all of the pranks/jokes/songs sang/seats fallen out of/mocking/ I have done in the past… this is definitely Karma saying hello, have you missed me?. My students have laughed at me, poked me, cursed at me, flipped me off, pranked me, joked me, followed me, hugged me, high fived me, talked over me, not listened to me, hid from me,… but at the end of the day I still enjoy it all. I have to remind myself of how school was when I was younger and remember that kids will always be kids… no matter their background (money/country/race/etc). But I’ll have more on all of that later. Now, because I know you want it, I present: My Teaching Experience Thus Far (As Told by GIFs)

My students when I say anything in English


Then when I ask them to respond in English


When I want to correct a fellow teacher


When I realized that my second job cut into my siesta


After I gave my first lesson


After my first day of teaching at both schools


How I retaliate against misbehaved students


Next posts will be more about the city of Malaga ‘cuz I finna let you know who I’m living…